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Longyuan Group held the 2023 headquarters orientation meeting

Time : 2023-01-17

two thousand and twenty-threeyearonemonthone6Longyuan Group heldtwo thousand and twenty-threeyear总部迎新会。集团总部、建筑公司、上海在建项目部,以及各板块子公司管理层代表参加会议。

Lai Zhaohui: born towards the sun Go all the way

Lai Zhaohui, Chairman and President of the Group, delivered a keynote report entitled "Born in the Sun" at the meeting. He said,two thousand and twenty-twoyear建筑民企生存环境非常严峻,集团上下勠力同心,各个项目部、分子公司和每一位坚守岗位的龙元人都用自己的行动推动公司前行。

two thousand and twenty-twoyear,传统建筑板块展示出了强大的经营韧性,龙元生态成员抢抓机遇、乘势而上,在业务上取得了新的突破。基建板块进一步夯实了公司资产质量,各个子公司市场化建设也颇有成效。绿色建筑板块为下一阶段的发展打下了坚实的基础,在业务增长、海外市场等方面都取得了全新的突破。

Lai Zhaohui pointed out that the current epidemic control has been opened, the real estate industry will gradually recover, and the national support for private enterprises is increasing. In this context,two thousand and twenty-threeyear龙元将把以下几项工作作为重中之重:

1、 The construction sector still needs to take the clearing of debts as the core work, promote the management reform at the project level and improve the service level of the high-quality project department.

two、 The infrastructure sector should go all out to collect funds and collect funds through various means to ensure a comprehensive closure.

3、 The green building sector should seize the opportunity to promote the rapid development of PV building integration products and become the new growth pole of the group.


Person in charge of three major sectors: Thanksgiving Go forward bravely


Wang Dehua, General Manager of Constructiontwentytwotwoyear是不容易的一year,two thousand and twenty-threeyear建筑板块将进一步改善现金流,推进项目部管理变革和业财税一体化。相信在集团的领导下和全体龙元人的共同努力下,一定能攻坚克难,获得成功。

Meng Xuming, head of infrastructure sectorInfrastructure sectortwo thousand and twenty-twoyear得到了集团许多条线的支持。two thousand and twenty-threeyear将继续带着足够的信心,保持昂扬斗志,全力以赴抓收款,寻求机会盘活现金流,助力集团高质量发展。

Lu Jiong, director of green buildingThe green building sector will betwo thousand and twenty-threeyear发挥各方优势,加强协同经营,确保装配式业务稳定发展,实现SSystem iteration and upgrading, completeBIPV初代产品制造理论性论证,推进基地建设,为集团打造新的增长极Go forward bravely。

two thousand and twenty-threeyear已经来临,新的一year奋斗征程已经开启,全体龙元人将一起以崭新的面貌,Go forward bravely,向阳而生,共同创造集团新的佳绩。

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